Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Othello Critical Discussion

" I do not mean the ridiculous notion that Othello was jealous by temperament, but the idea, which has some little plausibility, that the play is primarily a study of a noble barbarian, who has become a Christian and has imbibed some of the civilisation of his employers, but who retains beneath the surface the savage passions of his Moorish blood..."

I like the idea of not only Othello being considered a "noble barbarian" but us as well. It's like the idea of everyone having good and evil in them. I think this also relates to how in Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve are the creation of god, but are tempted by sin anyway. Humans try to not sin and be good so they can go to heaven. Yet, a lot of people sin daily. So on the surface some are good, but beneath they actually can be bad.

1 comment:

  1. Again, this will be a crucial idea in Heart of Darkness, the thin line between the "civilized man" and the "savage."
