Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Iago's Reaction

I forgot to mention this in class, but when we watched the video in class today I noticed something that I thought was comment-worthy. At the beginning of the scene we watched, you see Cassio and Iago standing after Cassio's demotion. When Cassio goes down on his knees and wails at the thought of what he's done, it seemed to me that, for a second, Iago sort of looked like he was contemplating whether or not he thought it was worth it to comfort Cassio. I'm probably wrong about that, but it was something I noticed and didn't mention in class, and IT'S BEEN BOTHERING ME. Did anyone else notice that??


  1. Yeah now that you have brought it up I can see how you would see that conflicting decision in IAgo's facial expression. I am not sure if it was meant to come across that way, but it is plausible.

    One thing that was kind of over the top to me in the movie we saw today was Roderigo's reaction to Iago telling him about Cassio's demotion. He literally started panting and breathing super heavy which was very distracting. I mean I can understand relief or elation or something, but his reaction was off key for me.

    1. I agree. It was more distracting than effective. I did not get the point of this strange reaction. I get that it is exciting to Rodrigo that he thinks he is "winning," but the out-of-place hyperventilation was too much.

  2. I agree with you, Julia. I think that Roderigo's reaction was WAY over the top. I was so confused why he reacted in such a manner.

    I don't know if this bothered anyone else, but I really didn't like how during Iago's soliloquy he looked directly into the camera. I don't know why, but this made the scene not as powerful for me as when I read it in the book. The scene should've looked like Iago wandering around talking to himself and not looking directly at the camera the whole time.

  3. I actually noticed that too. I thought it was effective, because it gives the audience a way to physically see how Iago thinks about everything before he does it. He was probably thinking about how comforting Cassio would benefit his plan, and this situation gave Iago a perfect opportunity to get Cassio to inquire to Desdamona about his job. Iago knew he could point out this meeting as evidence of Cassio and Desdamona's affair.

  4. Could he also have been just checking out who was watching before he made his next move?

  5. I agree with everyone about Roderigo. He is a little too silly.
