Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loss of Restraint

As Eve justifies to herself eating the apple, she fights against her pure hunger for the fruit which bears the knowledge of good and evil. The one thing of which God has not satiated. She and Adam were told to restrain from this one thing, and they do a good job for awhile. But Eve's appetite soon overcomes her and she tastes of the fruit anyway. After having a taste, her hunger grows ten fold and she continues to eat and eat without any restraint. Eve, upon turning to the dark side, has lost all sense of restraint. The unknowing prey to the wills of the Devil has turned villainous herself, but a bad villain at that. For Machaievelli describes a true villain as having restraint, but she has none. The turned villlains who are prey to the Mephostitillain characters always seem to be terrible in their villainry.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, so you remember our motif of restraint v. nonrestraint! Good!
