Monday, October 17, 2011

Othello and the Godfather

In an earlier post, I compared Barzini from the first Godfather to Iago and Micheal to Othello. I think it is an apt metaphor because Barzini is the one who initiates Micheal's decent to violence by shooting Don Vito. So if the movie continues to somewhat reflect the play, Micheal will have to cause, either directly or indirectly, Kate's death because Kate mirrors Desdemona. I'm calling it- Kate is going to die and it will be Micheal's fault somehow.


  1. We'll see, Greg. I like to speculate when I'm reading a book or watching a movie. I also like to let others know what I think, just in case I'm right!

  2. I would normally agree with all that, but today Michael seemed more like Iago to me. The way he deceived Hyman Roth and the Pentangeli guy in order to get what he wants was very reminiscent of Iago's deceptions. He got everyone to trust him and be on his side, just so that he could trick them later. Iago does the same thing with Desdemona and Cassio and Othello.
