Sunday, October 30, 2011

Free Will

I talked to Coach Crook about a question that arose in class one day. Why doesn't God just kill off Satan if he knew that Satan was going to rebel against him? Since we have free will, we have the ability to choose between God and Satan. We are his children, and he wants us to have a good life. But, he can't force his love upon his children. Everyone has a choice. If one turns towards God, then that exemplifies God's glory, good triumphing over evil.


  1. Were Adam and Eve created at this point in the poem? Or is it just God, Son of God, Satan, demons and angels?

  2. They might've been. I'm not sure though because Satan or someone else hinted at mankind/ god's newest creation. They might've been.

  3. Adam and Eve, we learn in Book II, were being created about this time, along with Eden. Satan and the fallen angels, however, only knew of this by rumor.

  4. I remember we also talked about how Satan's ultimate punishment for him to continue to hate and spread evil because god would make sure his attempts at evil would end in failure.
