Saturday, October 22, 2011

Father and Son

Pauline Kael's review of Godfather part two definitely made me appreciate Coppola's directing style. I agree with the audience's desire to see more of Don Vito during the early 1900's because it helped me see a better parallel between Michael's method of handling the family business and his father's foundation for the family. People react differently to Michael's power and his father's. Kael described Don Vito as a Robin Hood character when the Italian community seeks his protection and friendship. Michael, on the other hand, looks like a Robin Hood gone bad from my view. He rarely is seen doing any "good deeds" for others and expresses an appetite for more power than his father left him with. Although Michael might detest being compared to his father, it's hard not to see the shift from a family oriented business to the stress on money and power Michael brought with him.


  1. You can actually see both GF I and II in a version that puts them together in chronological order. Do you think you would like this>

  2. I just read the review and have been dieing to comment on it! I wish Coppola had developed the way in which Vito gets his reputation. I know we saw the defining factor but I would have liked to see exactly how the word gets out.

  3. Some of the scenes you'd like to see, Alina, might be in those left out, but are on the optional disc.
