Saturday, October 1, 2011

Interesting Article

I find it interesting how this reviewer basically has the same opinions of the play as we do. It's great to see our class being as introspective as a professional! Referring back to what Molly was saying, it seems inaccurate for the play to be named "Othello" as most of our attention and energy is spent on Iago. This article seems to agree with Molly, Iago clearly dominates the stage.


  1. Lots of good stuff in this review, especially the comments on the character of Emilia and how she plays the "girl talk" scene. I'd like to see this production, but 3.5 hours? That's pretty long!

  2. About the name- I think we are more inclined to consider Iago the main character since our class focuses on his evil thoughts, because we are an evil in literature class. I'm sure there are people that study Othello's thoughts and actions even deeper than how we analyze Iago, and they would consider Othello the main character. Also, in many movies, plays, etc., the villain often steals the show, but you never see the title of the movie called "The Joker" or "The Green Goblin". We are supposed to follow the protagonist more than the villain, even if that doesn't end up happening.
