Sunday, September 25, 2011


I just have a vague comment/question on the title of the play....  Its called Othello, but we get the most insight into Iago's mind and his actions.  Maybe it's just because we're taking a class called EVIL and not good?  Just a little curious.  Personally, I think a more suitable title would have been "Iago" if Shakespeare wanted to stick with names here.


  1. I think that a couple of issues arise here: some of this is my fault, or the fault of our focus on evil. Some of it is that Iago is just more interesting. But I do think that a challenge for anyone staging this play, is to make Othello noble, sympathetic, and thus tragic. Not sure that we spend enough time on this angle.

  2. I think Iago is the far more interesting character, but he does not change throughout the play. Othello, on the other hand, transforms into a jealous, enraged murderer when he was once a noble officer. Maybe Shakespeare wanted the focus to be how a man can be easily changed by lies...?
