Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Godfather

So, what do you think about the movie so far?  Any questions?  What do you like about it?  What is confusing?  How do you see it fitting in with any of our summer reading? 


  1. I am really enjoying The Godfather so far. At first I found it a little bit confusing to remember who all of the characters were. Since watching today,though, I feel like I have a better understanding of who everyone is. I really like how today we really started getting into the action parts of the movie and how the plot is progressing faster and faster. I think it is a very suspenseful movie, especially because I was not expecting for Don Corleone to get shot today! I think this movie definitely fits in with our summer reading. I think this because it is very dark and the characters are evil like those in our summer reading books. I think that Don Corleone is kind of like Lord Henry in a way because he influences his sons to be a part of the dark family business just like Lord Henry influenced Dorian to become an evil and sinful man.

  2. I agree with Caroline that, in a way, Don Corleoneis kind of like Lord Henry , but he also reminds me of the moment when Dorian Gray slips Alan Campbell a simple sheet of paper. No one knows what is on this sheet of paper that holds the key to getting Alan to cooperate, but Campbell immediately knows it is "an offer he can't refuse". I so excited to see the next part tomorrow, and I can't wait to see if Mikey succeeds or blows the whole operation.

  3. I really really have enjoyed this movie as well! I find it a little confusing to keep up with all of the characters, but other than that I mostly understand it. It is so suspenseful and it really makes you want to keep watching in order to find out what happens. My favorite character would probably be Mikey because he seems kind of below the radar, yet clever. I am super excited to see how the plan folds out tomorrow when we watch it. I can also definitely see the evil aspects of this movie because although all of the characters are murderers, you definitely get on their side and are rooting for them the entire time. I also love how mysterious all of the characters seem and how every single little detail about them was not made clear in the very beginning of the movie. But rather, their characters are developing as the movie progresses. I cannot wait to watch it tomorrow!

  4. I saw this movie a long time ago, and I now realize how many things flew past me. I really enjoy the family feud story that's going on. So far my favorite character is Michale because he is smart and brave. I think that he and the Don are more alike than any other character because they both know how to handle a situation and make the best out of it.
    This movie reminds me of the show Breaking Bad because the show and the movie both show the business side of people's lives and then their personal lives. What I get from both of those stories is that it is really enjoyable to watch or read about gangs, but it would be terrible to be in one.

  5. Thanks ladies--gentleman! I won't give anything away, but I'm enjoying the reactions from those of you who are seeing the movie for the first time, since I've seen it so many times! Interesting comparisons to characters from O. Wilde. Don Corleone and Michael are certainly understated in how they wield their power, very menacing at the same time, I think you'll find. Keep the comments coming throughout the viewing--CC

  6. The Godfather is very interesting so far. I agree with Caroline, it was hard to figure out who all the characters were at first. I think stopping the movie and clearing up a few important parts is really helpful. I also find the symbolism of orange very interesting. I like the sense of family loyalty and tradition that comes through throughout the movie. I also enjoy the use of suspense and mystery to keep the audience on their toes. The movie is the epidome of the fact that good does not come without evil. The Godfather does things that are condisered good, such as getting Fontaine the part in the movie, but he goes about it in a very evil and voilent way.

  7. I agree with all the girls because i was really confused about all the characters (and their italian names) which were hard to keep up with at first. But other than that I really have enjoyed the movie and love the unique characters, especially don Corleone. He is powerful in a subtle, mysterious sort of way that makes him very interesting. The way the men react to the way he speaks instantly shows that he has influence over anyone, so i also agree with Caroline about Don Corleone relating to Lord Henry. I really like the movie so far and i'm excited to watch the rest to see how all the different story lines come together!

  8. After watching the movie yesterday at lunch, I was so mad thinking that Don Corleone was dead. I'm glad he isn't, but having him not be in the movie for a couple sense makes me believe that he is not the main protagonist. I am now beginning to think Micheal might be the protagonist who will live through the rest of the movie. I really enjoyed the scene of him killing those tow men because it was very suspenseful. I think Coopola did a great job creating suspense when Micheal went to the bathroom and frantically tried to find the gun that was supposed to be planted (I was about to think that there wasn't going to be a gun). I think Micheal's emotions made the scene. Right before he was going to shoot his eyes were looking frantically about and you could tell he was nervous which also made me nervous. I can't wait to watch more tomorrow!

    1. I'm glad you notice how much of the acting takes place with the eyes! Keep your eye on eyes throughout this movie and the next!

  9. Julia's comment:
    "Anyway, because I have seen the movie before, I wasn't confused this time around with who was who. I do agree with what you said the other day in class CC that every time I watch the movie I learn something different. I agree with everyone, but especially Rachel with her comparison between Dorian's note to Alan and Don Corleone's blackmail. We never really know the details behind the different forms of blackmail, but in the end we as readers and viewers end up more intrigued. After watching the movie in this setting, I want to read the book. Normally I don't like reading things after seeing a movie as opposed to the other way around, mainly because I enjoy creating a world within the boundaries the author has given me. When I read things after seeing them, the world has already been created. In this case though, I am very interested to read the book and will probably do so soon!
    Can't wait to keep watching!"
