Sunday, November 20, 2011

Every time I left the classroom after the movie, I felt like I had awoken from a horrible, horrible nightmare. It's phenomenal that a watching a movie could create such strong feelings. Definitely one of the greatest movies I have seen, but way too depressing to see again! The lighting and the music really impressed upon me how evil the war was. Everything they did in Vietnam, at least in the movie, seemed like pointless bloodshed. Everybody was miserable, and nobody was winning. Was that a point the director was trying to make?


  1. I certainly think you understand part of Coppola's point in making the movie. What do you think caused his obsession with making this movie. What caused Willard's obsession with Kurtz; why did Kurtz's voice "put a hook" in him? Why are Willard and Marlow and both Kurtzes drawn to the jungle?

  2. I felt that way too! It was like an out of body experience and when we left class we returned to the real world.
