Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reading 2

As I was reading, Milton begins to explain the positions that all of the fallen angels have taken up: pagan gods of the ancient world. They are worshiped by men even though they have been kicked out of heaven. They are even more esteemed now than before because now they are the gods. It is almost as if Milton is trying to say that the earthly world is hell, that what we are living right now is hell. I am not sure if this is correct but it reminded me of out discussion in class and how Mr. Crook asked if there is any way to beat somebody who is willing to take down the boat with them. By taking the Earth and humans, have Satan and his followers won even though they didn't win?


  1. Milton does populate hell with figures from history who have set themselves up as gods or have been worhipped as such by people at one time or another. This is Milton's way of saying, from his Puritan/Christian perspective, that there is but one God and all others worshipped as such are agents of Satan?

  2. We can only say if Satan and his followers won this battle by bringing down Earth and the humans if we know his goals in the beginning.

  3. Won the battle but not the war?
