“it is her relaxed, frank, sexuality and the passionate response
it arouses in Othello which generate the tragedy.”
Pg. 81
(Women and Men in Othello -Thomas Neely)
This quote talks about Desdamona and her role in the tragedy. This particular viewpoint only focuses on her "relaxed, frank, sexuality" that brings about a passionate, loving quality in Othello that is so different from his rough, warrior exterior "which generate[s] the tragedy" (Neely 81). However, coach crook commented on this quote and asked about how her innocence plays into the tragedy as well. While I agree with the quote above, I also think Desdemona's complete innocence in this situation stirs up the reader's pity for her. Yes, the out-of-character tenderness Othello shows towards Desdemona is moving, but her purity and sincere innocence to the crimes laid upon her definitely contributes to the sad inevitability of her unfair fate.
The spunk she shows at the start of the play does't exclude her from being out of her league.g