One quote which I really agreed with was "Othello's hell is to contemplate the result of his own hideous perversity, and ours is to see ourselves in him." This quote came from a book titled Motiveless Malignity. I really like this quote because o the last part. While we were reading and discussing Othello, whether it was the first time or third time, almost everyone in the class was speculating about if they would have been tricked. Because of Iago's methods, I think we all would have. Yes, perhaps Othello got mad a bit too fast, but in the long run the result of Desdemona's death would have been the same. Iago was that good at being a master puppeteer for the other characters in the play.
Iago manipulates all the other characters in the same way Satan does. Beezlebub is Satan's Roderigo at this point in PAradise Lost. I am really enjoying how all the material we have covered is becoming more and more connected.
And I really see myself in Satan from Paradise Lost. Frightening!