Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Dog

This might be terrible, but I felt worse for that cute puppy than for all those Vietnamese people that died in Kilgore's attack. Isn't that ironic and horrible? That I felt more empathy for a dog than for hundreds of people. Am I alone here?
That was a really cute puppy. I looked on the internet, but I couldn't find any backstory about the puppy or even his owner. Too bad.


  1. I know! I have no idea why I'm worried about the dog more than the puppy!

  2. EVERY time I show this movie, high school students react mostly to the tiger attack, but then even more to the tug of war between Lance and Chef. What does this say about audiences?

  3. We seem to react so much more to scenes involving animals? I really do not know but amidst all of the murders and death and dead bodies, the thing i remember most about the movie was the dog.. I thought it was just me!

  4. I think the dog is just there to distract us from what really happened on that boat. They killed innocent Vietnamese people, but we seem to be captivated by the puppy because it's so adorable. And, it's a weird sight considering that the crew is in the middle of a war szone. When I look at the puppy, I think of the lives lost.
