Monday, October 31, 2011

The Son of God

In the beginning, there was only God, who created all life, correct? If so, everything that God created would be, in essence, his (sorry, his/her/its) child. If this is true, how can "The Son of God" be more of God than Satan. They were both born from God, so they should both be God's sons, and there for equal, but clearly, it is not so. Does anyone have a solution to this conundrum?


  1. Excellent question. I think the key is, and what makes Satan so angry, is that God specifically labels The Son of God as his son, sort of dismissing the others as only his creation. Gives him a title, much like Othello gives Cassio the title.

  2. At least in my church, the people are referred to as the "children of God," not a daughter or son. I guess that's so there is no confusion between the "Son of God" (Jesus) and the "children of God" (everyone else).
