Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Worshipping Satan?

While I was reading about Satan’s daughter, Sin, it feels as if she is suffering much more than Satan and she is in Hell because of his war. She was punished to be the key holder of the gates of Hell for her father’s crime.  She was raped twice and then forced to live with “…These yelling Monsters that with ceaseless cry/Surround me…hourly conceiv’d/ And hourly born, with sorrow infinite…”(Book II, Lines 794-796). It seems as if everyone’s suffering is due to Satan’s idea for war and yet they are all praising him as if he is their savior. Even though Sin has suffered throughout her time in Hell, she believes , [Satan] wilt bring  [her] soon/ To that new world of light and bliss, among/ The Gods who live a life of ease…(Book II, Line 866-868). She immediately trusts his plan though she has suffered because of him.


  1. Sin is an interesting creation, I certainly agree. Worthy of sympathy, it seems, and a victim, too. Up until a point, perhaps?

  2. I agree. Even if I were in unbearable pain, I think I would do almost, only almost, anything to feel better. To an extreme, I may wish to seek revenge on the person who hurt me. So Kiah, you definately have a great point. Even though she knows Satan dragged her down to Hell, she thinks that God has punished her unfairly. Sin's thoughts are skewed thinking that God hates her. Really, she should want to destroy the key in front of Satan's eyes, yet she believes her father. One of the commandments is to honor thy father and mother. I do not think she honor's her father's opinion for that reason. I think she may open the gates to fight against God who she believes destroyed her body and makes her endure pain forever. Interestingly, Sin did not fight in the war against God. Does this matter?
    Do you think she still loves her dad or the memories of him? I'm wondering if she may go along with Satan's plan out of fear, desire to lessen her pain, want to please her father, or fight against God.
    I having trouble understanding her logic.

  3. We'll definitely spend some class time discussing the nature of Sin, but hasn't that been the question of theology and Mankind for eternity?

  4. What worries me most is God's utter lack of sympathy for Sin's sufferings. In the Bible, it says that God loves every one of his creations. And, sure, Sin was technically created by the Devil, but the Devil was created by God and God is all powerful and all knowing, so wouldn't Sin technically be his creation and his responsibility. Would God not then take care of his children, especially those who have not intentionally turned their backs on him? It surly seems that God has forgotten all about the needs of Sin. But why? Could God be prejudice against sin because of her father, stereotyping her based on her patronage?... That does not seem as just and good as God is portrayed to be. That almost seems to be more of a human flaw. God is supposed to be better than humans, though. If God had only acted more Godly and less human-esque, then technically Sin would never have made the deal with the Devil and the world would not have been plagued with sin or the Devil. I hate to say it, but I think God made a huge mistake in ignoring Sin and the world suffers as a consequence.

  5. I think I missed your insightful comments here, Holly, on Sin. Let me be sure to give you a chance to follow up in class.
